Emergency AC Shutdown
Dear Alexander Lombard Tower Residents,
Re: Scheduled AC Shutdown for 24 Hours
The building’s Centralised Heating and Cooling Plant will be shut down on Wednesday, 13th April at 7:00AM to complete emergency repairs and will be offline for approximately 24-28 hours. We anticipate the centralised plant to be back to normal operation on Thursday, 14th April at 10:00AM.
Your apartment’s Air Conditioning System will be non-operational during this period, please do not be concerned if your controller displays an error code, for example
If your controller displays an error code after 10:00AM on Thursday, 14th April, please follow the troubleshooting procedure:
- Step 1:
reset your AC unit by switching OFF the AC’s electrical safety switch on your apartment’s electrical switch board for approximately 10 seconds. - Step 2:
turn the safety switch back ON. Error code will disappear.
Lot Owners are reminded that the buildings centralised utility services and equipment is maintained by the Owners Corporation, the repairs and maintenance of the AC unit within your respective Lot (Servicing your Lot only) is the responsibility of the Lot Owner. Please arrange scheduled servicing of your unit by a Licensed Service Contractor. Renters, please raise any AC issues with your Rental Agent/Provider.
We apologise for the inconvenience caused during this time.
For & On Behalf of the Owners Corporation PS 539033E-5